Why Health Sharing Plans Are the Best Alternative Health Insurance For Independent Contractors and Small Business Owners in the USA

Why Health Sharing Plans Are the Best Alternative Health Insurance For Independent Contractors and Small Business Owners in the USA

One of the biggest problems for independent contractors and even small business owners in the USA has been securing low-cost, dependable health coverage. This is because the price of traditional plans for health insurance has become so high that most freelancers, self-employed individuals, and small enterprise owners can no longer afford them. With health-sharing plans now being made available as a cost-effective, flexible alternative to traditional schemes, the situation has now changed. Health-sharing plans are a unique approach to handling the healthcare needs of people who find the affordability of traditional insurance expensive.

Challenges Faced by the Independent Contractor in Traditional Health Insurance

While traditional workers can enjoy group coverage from an employer, the health insurance for independent contractors is their own health insurer. Thus, independent contractors have to navigate the intricacies of health insurance on the marketplace side, with the premium, deductibles, and out-of-pocket cost always on an upward trend.

Traditional health insurance is often too expensive for most contractors. It consumes all their earnings, causing little room for the other essential costs. Furthermore, there are many controls put in place for the use of healthcare providers; this means that there is a lack of freedom in choosing the desired kind of care. Therefore, many independent contractors attempt to find a different way to resolve health issues, and one such way includes the use of health-sharing plans. Even health insurance for small business owners impacts their profits, savings, and investments, but with health sharing plans, they can take advantage of medical care, which is an affordable alternative.

What Is a Health Sharing Plan?

Health sharing plans are not forms of insurance but work almost the same because they offer a platform through which persons can share healthcare costs with fellow members of their community. The participants of the health sharing plans contribute money to a common fund, from which members will draw to pay for medical services from other members. This model operates on principles that involve mutual aid and trust, whereby participants share the cost of healthcare burden.

The general trend is for healthcare sharing plans to be not-for-profit operations, and many are based on religious or ethical principles. They operate outside the same statutory umbrella of medical insurance yet typically offer an organized and accountable means by which group members can approach the spending of health-related costs.

Affordability And Flexibility In Insurance Options for Independent Contractors And Small Business Owners

One of the best attractions to health sharing plans is the price aspect. In most cases, contributions to a health sharing plan are much lower than standard health insurance premiums, making it accessible, especially to people whose incomes are largely variable or who want health care outside of regular insurance necessities. The independent contractor does not face such high premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses as with standard health insurance.

Health sharing plans also offer much more flexibility in the choice of health providers. Unlike other types of insurance, which often confine covered members to certain networks of physicians and healthcare providers, health-sharing plans typically afford freedom in the use of any healthcare provider that the member might want. For instance, health sharing comes in very handy for independent contractors and small business owners who need to travel frequently or otherwise have specific healthcare requirements.


Health sharing plans are an affordable, adaptable, community-based alternative to traditional health insurance for small business owners and independent contractors in the USA. They offer the cheapest option with cheaper monthly premiums compared to conventional health insurance, greater flexibility to choose healthcare providers, and collective responsibility. Such options are precisely what freelancers and self-employed people have been looking for. Generally, cost-cutting measures and community support make health sharing plans a great choice for every individual contractor.

Disclaimer: MPB.Health memberships are a non-insurance solution designed to provide access to healthcare services. To determine if this aligns with your specific needs, we recommend consulting a certified expert advisor.

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